Thursday, May 23, 2013

Mike and Rick's 50th Anniversary

Friday, November 23, 2012

Emma Charlsea is here....

I finally got to meet my new neice!  We were leaving for Disney the day that she was born and I had to wait 9 days before I got to meet her!  My sister in law had sent many pictures to me over the course of our vacation but they could never be as good as the real thing!  She is beautiful! I am so blessed to have been able to take her pictures, what a doll! See for yourself.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Welcome to our world Emma!

This past Saturday I had the honor of photographing my sister in law's maternity pictures.  I was so excited when she revealed that she would be having a baby girl. They have known for months what they were expecting but would not tell anyone! I am so excited to become an Aunt again and I know that Rylee is just as excited for a little girl in the family. So hurry up Emma and get here Aunt D can't wait to meet you!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Growing up so fast...

This past school year has buzzed right past us! I feel like we where just starting 2nd grade and bam wouldn't you know we have moving up day tomorrow!  This year I have seen my baby girl blossom from the quiet, scared, not so confident kid in school to a girl who has become outgoing, is loved by all her teachers and friends, to saying what she thinks and not bottling it all inside.  My baby isn't so much a baby anymore! I love who she is turning out to be, she fills my heart with so much joy! (Yes we have our moments - who doesn't?) But for us the good far out weigh the bad! I love seeing the tightening of bond with her girlfriends. I hope those friendships last forever. I overheard her the other day tell her one girlfriend that she felt lucky to have her as a friend. I was like what did you say?  She's said " You need to tell people how you feel because everyone should know how much they mean to you!" Now this is from an 8 year old! I hope as she progresses through her teenage years that she will remember her own wise words of wisdom. As I stand here today, I want her to always remember how much I love her and always remember how special she is to me!  I am so thankful for the gift of being her mom and the gift she gave me for always wanting to be a better person!

Best Buddies 

Rylee and I 

Awe.. aren't they cute!

Puddle jumpers

Love these two so much!

Always a model for mom

Striking a pose!


Their smiles light up a room... beautiful girls!

Goof Balls

This is what friendship is about... having fun!

Soccer Team 2012- Go Warriors

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Happy 8th Birthday Baby Girl!

Happy 8th Birthday Bug!
 Always a silly girl...
 always beautiful... inside and out
Where has the time gone? You are growing up so fast. The days of you crawling up on my lap to cuddle are far and few between. Even now when you do cuddle with Mommy it still melts my heart as it did when you were a baby.  For me, you will always be my baby girl no matter how big you get. I treasure our special moments as much as I treasure the "normal" moments. To me, every moment I spend with you is special. 

So on your 8th birthday I celebrate you and the wonderful person you are.  For the love and joy you bring to our lives. For the unselfishness you continually show and already knowing the world is bigger than just you. For all the times you put everyone ahead of you shows what an amazing huge heart you have.  There are times I want to pinch myself and say "Is that really my kid?" as I stand with tears in eyes but so much pride in my heart.  I am so proud of the person you are and the wonderful person you are becoming. I know you are going to have a huge impact on this world someday I just hope they are ready for you.  

Happy 8th Birthday My Little Love Bug! No matter what Mommy will always love you to the moon and back! Thank you for showing me just how wonderful this life can be - I owe the smile I have on my face to you and your beautiful heart!