Saturday, July 16, 2011

My Brother... My Forever Friend

As we get older time seems to go by so fast - we grow up, have families of our own and life gets busy.  One thing I know is that no matter how much time goes by or how neither one of us are good at picking up the phone, there is one person that will always have my back and I will have his is my brother Brent!  We don't say it often enough but the love we have for each other will always be strong! He may be my little brother but he has always been my "protector" and someone I could always count on... I would be so lost without him! So I don't say it often enough but I love you Brent Michael and thank you for always being best brother your big sister could ever have!!!!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Me and the boys!

I had to post the pictures of my brothers and I! It shows there is never too much serious when it comes to us! Its all about the laughs...

Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Worlds Cutest Nephews

Brent, Polly and the boys

I love this picture of them!

I absolutely love these pictures of my brother and Polly with the boys! I have to say I have the most beautiful nephews ever! Just saying...

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Jon and Callin's Wedding Pictures

As I go along editing photo's I will add a link from either my shutterfly site or facebook account.  Please feel free to leave me any comments you like. I didn't realize editing photos took so long! But this is one of my favorite things to do!

Thank you!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Summer of 2011 Fun

Here are a few of my favorite photos from the summer and we have just begun... I love having the most beautiful girl be my little model. She makes taking beautiful pictures easy.

Tucker's Soccer Ball

She is nuts!

Crazy Kid

Mud Baby

The 3 Amigos

2011 Team Dolphins- U8
Three of my most favorite people in the world!