Thursday, June 14, 2012

Growing up so fast...

This past school year has buzzed right past us! I feel like we where just starting 2nd grade and bam wouldn't you know we have moving up day tomorrow!  This year I have seen my baby girl blossom from the quiet, scared, not so confident kid in school to a girl who has become outgoing, is loved by all her teachers and friends, to saying what she thinks and not bottling it all inside.  My baby isn't so much a baby anymore! I love who she is turning out to be, she fills my heart with so much joy! (Yes we have our moments - who doesn't?) But for us the good far out weigh the bad! I love seeing the tightening of bond with her girlfriends. I hope those friendships last forever. I overheard her the other day tell her one girlfriend that she felt lucky to have her as a friend. I was like what did you say?  She's said " You need to tell people how you feel because everyone should know how much they mean to you!" Now this is from an 8 year old! I hope as she progresses through her teenage years that she will remember her own wise words of wisdom. As I stand here today, I want her to always remember how much I love her and always remember how special she is to me!  I am so thankful for the gift of being her mom and the gift she gave me for always wanting to be a better person!

Best Buddies 

Rylee and I 

Awe.. aren't they cute!

Puddle jumpers

Love these two so much!

Always a model for mom

Striking a pose!


Their smiles light up a room... beautiful girls!

Goof Balls

This is what friendship is about... having fun!

Soccer Team 2012- Go Warriors