Monday, October 31, 2011

Website up and running...yeah!!!

Happy Halloween!  I am excited to announce that I have made the next step in my endeavor of making my dreams come true.  I just finished creating my website! While its still "under construction" and a work in progress you can see many of the projects I have worked on.  I will be adding a lot more as time goes on.  So please visit my website at

Please feel free to contact me ANYTIME!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Good Bye Raven Taylor...

Raven Taylor
October 2000 - October 14, 2011

How do you say good bye to a part of your family? Someone who is loyal, always trusting, has always given unconditional love and has always been your best friend for ten years.You know what you did was best for her and she wouldn't suffer anymore but still your heart is broken.  Life will never be the same with her greeting me at the door when I get home from work with her happy tail wagging 100 mph or just wanting to go in and out to get another biscuit. 

Friday, October 14th was the hardest day in a long time for me. Our baby girl was diagnosed with nasal cancer this past summer and put up a really hard fight for the last few months.  Right to the end she was still in good spirits and the tail still wagging all the time but her nose was almost completely blocked off and her breathing was mainly through her mouth.  I knew she was in pain and selfishly we put off letting her go, mainly because we couldn't say good bye. But we knew it was time and had to do the right thing for her. She didn't deserve what was dealt to her.  How did this wonderful little fur ball I rescued out of the mud from a shed in Red Creek, NY, given our family 10 wonderful years of unconditional love end up leaving us all to soon?  

When I met Steve at the vets on Friday morning, I pulled in and he was waiting with her in the parking lot and when she saw me you could almost see her smile and the tail wagging 100mph. I thought to myself how can I do this? She is still so happy?  But if you saw her you would of asked why we waited so long. Well for me it felt like one of my kids, how could I do this to her?  I did it cause I loved her and she needed to be free from the cancer that invaded her body.  The vet called us in to the room and asked if we wanted to stay. I was like would you leave your child to die alone? Not me, not ever.  They took Rae to the back to put the pic in her leg so that they could administer the medicine and when they went to take her she planted her fat butt on the ground and was like "well if you are going to take me, I am going to make you work for it!" Til the end she put up a fight, that's my girl!  When the vet brought her back in, she spread the blanket on the floor and that's where I took my spot next to my baby girl. I talked with her for a while and told her I loved her, what a wonderful baby she had been, thanked her for always being such a good girl and how I would forever miss her and that we would never forget her... EVER!  The whole process only took about 10 seconds and she just closed her beautiful brown eyes and went to sleep. She looked so peaceful and I was comforted knowing she was no longer in any pain. She was now free to go find Hunter and Boscoe, she could run forever and eat all the biscuits she wanted... she was free from that awful cancer... she was free from pain... she was free!

The last few days have been hard and coming home and looking behind her chair and knowing she isn't there   is hard.  Coming down in the morning to make my coffee and not having her waiting at the bottom of the stairs to let her out was hard.  We are all kinda of lost without her.  I know as the days go on it will get easier, its just going to take time.  

Thank you Raven Taylor for giving us 10 wonderful years, full of love, happiness and laughs.  You will forever be a part of us and we are better people because of you. You taught us so much!  Mommy will forever miss you!! I love you Chubby!!!  Rest in Peace Baby Girl!!!

Friday, October 7, 2011

R.I.P - Boscoe

R.I.P - Boscoe
Forever My Brother's Best Friend
October 2001 - October 6, 2011

It's been a little over 24 hours since I received my brother's text that he had to let go of his best friend. I know exactly how he feels. It feels like only yesterday that I lost my best friend, Hunter, too. What Boscoe meant to my brother no other dog will ever compare, he was the best hound dog a man could have.  

I remember that cold January day that I rescued these two very furry dirty puppies from a shed in Red Creek, NY.  I only went looking for one but ending up taking two (the last ones). I wouldn't of been able to live with myself had I left one there.  So I picked them both up and took them home. The first person I called was my brother, I knew he wanted a dog of his own.  That day we both got greatest present each of us could ask for he, got Boscoe, we got Raven. Over the years, these two puppies turned out to be two of the most loving and wonderful dogs anyone could ever ask for.  Over the summer we found out that our girl has nasal cancer and it would only be a matter of time (as I write now she is still hanging on but she doesn't have much longer with us).  Then about 2 weeks ago I found out that Boscoe (Chubby, Boscorelli, Hound Dog) had lung cancer.  My heart broke then but it is broken now. How is it possible that both brother and sister each got cancer?  It just doesn't seem right but most of all its not fair. I know they are only on loan to us but I always thought we'd have more time.  Time to enjoy then as they got older and maybe slowed down a bit but not like this. This wasn't how it was suppose to be. How could two of the best dogs in the world be dealt such a raw deal? I know I have to look at the 10 wonderful years they were with us and thankful for the unconditional love and joy they have brought to our kids.  The memories they will all have of their first dogs will forever be with them.  I know we will go on with our lives without them but a piece of our hearts will be forever with them.  For now Boscoe, go play, run wild, eat all the biscuits you want and give my Hunter some love.  Let Hunter know Rae will be with both of you soon. I sit here with tears in my eyes but I am happy you are no longer in any pain.  
We will meet again someday, my life was better for having you in it! Thank you Boscorelli!
Love You, Aunt D

Our Rae Dog 
 Rylee and Boscoe
 My brother and his dogs!